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My Proud Clouds

An inspiring display focusing on why all of your children should be proud!

Sensory Circuit - Active Wall

Sensory circuits  introduce short bursts of exercise that is of benefit to all children as it breaks up their day and helps retain focus.

Feeling Overwhelmed 'RAIN"

Part of our mental well-being collection this lovely graphic provides students with a coping strategy if they are not having a great day.

Sensory Circuit – Organising/Calming Wall

Children’s mental health and wellbeing has never been more important and this range of wall graphics provide a range of wonderful tools and reminders of how to cope when they are not feeling at their best. They act as a nice reminder of how great they are and that everyone has bad days.

We also have two sensory circuits, an Active Wall and an Organising and Calming Wall, which offer a set of activities to help children refocus during the school day. They are available as individual pieces or as a set with the option of a floor sticker.

We have wall art available for both indoor and outdoor use, which can be purchased quickly and conveniently through our website store.

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Health & Mental Wellbeing





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