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Celebrate reading with a stunning wall art – Riverview Primary Salford

Celebrate reading with a stunning wall art - Riverview Primary Salford

We Love it! It’s perfect.

Claire Batty – Assistant Headteacher

Celebrating reading with a transformed reception area 


Riverview Primary is a fantastic new build school in the heart of Salford. They contacted us after they saw some of our wall art projects at an exhibition.

They wanted to celebrate reading in school to both the children and parents by creating a wall art display in their main reception. We discussed a few ideas and looked at all the wall space they had available. Our design team then created this fantastic scheme. The doors are the main entrance to the school, we covered them with famous children’s book covers so when a child enters the school they are opening a book.
The doors were surrounded with a bookcase visual to introduce other books that they might like to read. Across the front of the reception desk, we applied book spines which again inspired children and parents to try different books.

The finishing touch was the ‘Welcome to our reading school’ lettering which was done using the Dr Zeus font.

If you would like to find out more about our school wall displays s take a look at our wall displays page.

Looking for more inspiration? have a look at our case studies section which features all our most recent projects. If you would like to discuss your project with us please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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